Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays and New Year

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season and new year.

We appreciate the twinkle in the cute homes in Lakeside, the lovely trees of Lester Park, and the ice sounds on the lake shore.

Hope to meet more neighbors this year.  If you have noticed in every issue since June I've added a get together type event - a tour, a hike, a service time, and a treat time.  Coming up for 2015 I'll add a game night time and a book discussion.

On January 19 I'll be showing 2 local history documentaries I made a few years ago - one is on Lakeside's early years and the other is on the West End.  The films will be shown as part of the Duluth Preservation Alliance meeting.  It will begin at 7 p.m. at the Lakeside Lester Park Community Club.

By the way, I won the Superior Public Library 125th anniversary film contest.
Watch the 5 minute video here.

I'm also putting together Water Film Fest II in late January.  It will be held at UWS again.  It will include about 10 films on the topic of water and our connection to water.   Email me if you'd like to know the details of that free event.

I'm looking forward to a couple days to breath at home and not rush off to work.  We'll be eating out, watching movies, hiking, and visiting with friends and family nearby.  Most of my family is spread out in Illinois, Texas, Arizona and New Zealand.  We like that one relative is close - cousin Pearl.


Monday, December 1, 2014

15th issue is out

The Dec/Jan issue is ready and has been distributed and is online at

Each page has very local information and news of current Lakeside happenings or its past.  The calendar has dates to attend upcoming events including a Dec 15 pie with the editor (me) at Lakeshore.
Welcome 2 new businesses in Lakeside as listed on Page 3.  Good luck with the chalet on Page 1.  Learn more about a local pastor on Page 5 and a local church and its history on Page 4. Learn about how water quality of Amity/Lester is being improved thanks to efforts by the South St. Louis Co. Soil and Conservation District.

The next deadline is January 15 - earlier is preferred.  I'm especially interested in learning more about old houses in Lakeside and local book authors.  Email local photos to

This newsletter is supported through advertisers and subscribers.  Thanks for helping keep this going.

Possible a Facebook page will come this winter.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lend a Hand

The Oct/Nov issue is out.  Did you know there is a Sami Cultural Center in Lakeside?  Do you want to get involved with the Citizen Patrol?  Do you want to eat at a local restaurant run by students?  By reading the Look At Lakeside newsletter you'll learn more about Lakeside. 
I'd love to have local history articles submitted.  I hope to do some library digging this month.  It's fun to find what you're looking for and find many more things you didn't know about. 

I do want to point out the Look at Lakeside readers service opportunity with the Second Harvest Food Bank coming up Wed., Oct 15 from 5:30PM-7PM.  If you are planning on coming please email me at  The location is 4503 Airpark Boulevard.    We will be packing commodity food for seniors. 

Have you been up the new and improved Seven Bridges Road? 
Do you see the beautiful fall color procession along Hawk Ridge?
Are you missing the summertime crowds at Brighton Beach or big events passing through on London Road? 
Through our window tonight we see the giant full moon.  We had a small campfire in our fire pit in our backyard in the chilly night air.  It feels later than it is with the sun setting earlier.  Our cat is asleep on my desk twitching a bit as he is dreaming.  

If you have written a book and live in Lakeside let me know.  I'd like to include a local authors in Lakeside short article in an upcoming issue. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Summer's End - Still Active Time Outdoors

I'm working on the next issue of the newsletter.  It's hard to believe school has started up again and the temps are definitely cooler.  A few giant zucchini were hiding out in the garden under the big leaves and those are in and will be part of dinners in September.

I like pulling together information for the newsletter.  It's a mix of what people are up to, what goes on, and sometimes I put a little bit of the past into the newsletter.  This far east part of Duluth is a nice place to live and to get out and enjoy the outdoors.  Yes, it's also the way people head to the North Shore, a part of Grandma's Marathon, the inline marathon (I forgot about that this morning and was delayed heading to Superior to be Rex the dog Scoop the Poop at the Cause for the Paws fundraiser event), and the lakewalk and local trails serve for people to bike and hike.

This summer I noticed Lakeshore was having a special bike ride opportunity for seniors.  A peddling person carried two seniors up 40th Ave E and on to the Lakewalk.  Pretty nice!  I wanted to give it a try!

I hope you'll help to keep Lakeside clean and free of litter and pick up pet waste.  Here are upcoming opportunities to help remove an invasive species: 

Help remove knotweed (false bamboo).  It's growing along the Lakewalk.

* Sept. 16, 5-6:30 p.m., meet at  40th Avenue East and the Lakewalk.
* Sept. 23, 5-6:30 p.m., meet at  58th Avenue East and the Lakewalk.
Contact (218) 730-4334

Stay tuned for the Oct/Nov Look at Lakeside for a LAL (Look at Lakeside) reader opportunity to help at the Second Harvest Food bank.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Over 10,000 copies

With Look at Lakeside newsletter in its 3rd year, over 10,000 copies have been distributed in the good old paper format.   Each issue has a real local content with short articles and photos.
Some people ask where can I pick one up?

Here are locations where the Look at Lakeside newsletter is distributed:

Essentia Lakeside clinic
SuperOne Lakeside
New London Cafe
Johnson's Bakery
Sammy's Pizza
Lakeland Shore
Ave 45 Hair Salon
Yoga North
St. Michael's School
Lakeside Presbyterian
Lester Park United Methodist
North Shore Bank
US Bank
Lakeside Lester Park Community Club
Pete's Barber Shop
Lakeside Dental
Video on 47th Ave. E.
North Shore Animal Hospital
Duluth Library
Perkins on London Road
Mount Royal Fine Foods
additional places as well  - such as local fairs and events

It is also on-line - in color - linked.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Summer Gatherings

Let's face it - the summers are short.  Take advantage of the nice weather days (or parts of days) and head out to the lake shore or even to your backyard.  We love our deck.  It overlooks a vegetable garden that has been slow.  I also have a "super weed" growing.  It has yellow flowers and is taller than me.  I'd like to know what it is.  Could I have planted it?   The zucchini plants have had a growth spurt and it's fun to snap off a piece of kale to munch on. 

If you like to hike and go for walks perhaps you'd like to join me on Aug 9 at 8:30AM for a walk starting at the first pull off area on Skyline Parkway from Glenwood St.    With so much of my work week sitting indoors I look for opportunities to stand and move (This winter's pounds haven't left me yet so I'm working on that...)

It's fun to put together each issue of Look at Lakeside.  I learn as I go along.  Yes, there are some late nights and some advertisers that said yes but never submitted an ad but that's what goes with publishing something, I guess.   This is the start of the 3rd year for the newsletter.  I appreciate the readers' comments and feel that the newsletter is serving as a connecting point.  Something that Lakeside can 'have' every couple of months to share news and announcements. 

I have more distribution to do with this issue but the subscribers have had it delivered to their home or sent in the mail.   I happened to have one of the art fairs that I organize yesterday - it was the 6th year for Woman-Made and my 37th local art fair I've organized.  Since I had the new Aug/Sept issue I put them out at the 'reception/cookie' table and over 50 went throughout the day.   More people get to know about what's happening here.   Don't forget to try and answer the little questions throughout the issue and mark your calendar for the events.  Support the advertisers who are supporting this publication.  If anyone is interested in placing an ad the ad rates are at 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tour of Lakeside School building (St. Michael's School) on Friday, June 13

Come for a tour through the halls, stairways, up, down, wood, classrooms, and see a bit of Lakeside that's been here since 1893.  Tour starts at 8:30 a.m.  Meet indoor near the school office.  The school is at 47th Ave. E. and Pitt St.   Tour is limited to 12 people.  Guest attending include the current principal of St. Michael's School - Bill Van Loh and the last principal from Lakeside School (Principal from 1985-1993), Mavis Whiteman. 

 Every June Look at Lakeside newsletter will be hosting a tour of a site in or near Lakeside.
 Last year's tour was the Lakewood Pumping Station. 

Also, each fall LAL readers will be invited to lend a hand on a community support project.  The date and time will be announced in the fall newsletter. 

Thanks for reading the newsletter.  It's now 2 years old. 


Saturday, May 31, 2014

Yards - Extensions of our home

This picture is from last year but it's not doubt the deer are around and ready to munch in flower gardens and vegetable gardens.  What do you do to save your plants?  Send in a photo for the next Look at Lakeside with your super fences, dangling device tricks, and strategies for keeping plants in your yard. 

I hope you've had a chance to look at the June/July 2014 issue.  This issue marks the completion of 2 years for this publication (total of 12 issues).  I've done by best to include bits on current local happenings, introducing people who live here, and a bit about the past.  I plan to include more quizzes and field trips (let me know if you'd like to attend the tour of St. Michael's School building on June 13 at 8:30 a.m. - there are a limited number of spots available, please RSVP), and coming this fall a service opportunity for LAL readers.  It's fun to see how quickly the newsletters are picked up at places and I love when one issue gets read by multiple people such as in a waiting room.

Today was a drenching rain day and the Altrusa Club of Duluth had their plant sale in the parking lot of the Joe Golcz State Farm Insurance in Lakeside.  All funds raised go to support community organizations.  You'll find Altrusa at assorted events this fall selling things to again raise funds. 
Adding more perennial native plants are good to provide food for the bees and insects.  You also don't need to mow them.  This year our yard garden area is extending to the other side of the sidewalk on to the easement next to the street.  It's the sunniest spot of all.  I planted plants from the Altrusa sale and a mix of native plant seeds.  More to plant in the backyard vegetable garden as we enter June.

Thanks for reading the Look at Lakeside newsletter.  I would love to have a youth submit a short 'report' on a neighborhood topic.  How about that for a summer project?  The next deadline is July 15.  Maybe a drawing of something in Lakeside.  I appreciate local art and people 'stretching' themselves to try new things.   Check out in Superior the artwork beside storm drains.  You'll be hearing in the news soon how six artists have painted beside the drains.  A bit of color and fun as a tool to educate about helping keep Lake Superior clean through preventing stormwater pollution.   Lakeside, downtown Duluth, Superior, Two Harbors and other communities sit beside Lake Superior and are potential contributors to pollution. 

Back to a plant topic - I am on the 'hunt' for where the banana plant went from the Lester Park Greenhouse.  It's not at Glensheen; it's not at the UMD Greenhouse.  I hear it is at a Senior Apartment complex and am trying to find out which one.  Anyone know?

Happy summer days.  Yeah for wearing shorts and sitting out on the deck. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Announcements to Share

I'll pulling together announcements I'm finding about news in Lakeside for the June/July issue. I'm hoping more people will submit announcements to share relating to Lakeside and even share some of Lakeside's history in future newsletter issues.

  The busy summer is ahead with Lakeside being a great place to relax out in the backyard, at the park, or on the rocks at the beach.   The last few weeks of school are in full gear and probably people are planning a vacation getaway or two and family visits.  Plant sales will be starting up.  This year I want to add cosmos to the yard again.   I can't wait to see the flowers in bloom.  The progression of days in these long daylight months is exciting.    The fixing of the railroad overpass at 36th Ave. E. isn't quite done.  Workers are on the job to finish the project so the North Shore Scenic Railroad train rides can come on over. 
I went to the Duluth Preservation Alliance annual meeting on Monday night and heard the story of the acquiring and renovation of a train car that belonged to the Merritt Family.  With hard work many things are possible.  
So far Seven Bridges Road is still closed from the June flood of 2012 - almost two years ago.  I know many people have used the closed road as a wide walking path.  It's beautiful any time of the year.  Perhaps we will be able to drive along at some point.
In the newsletter I'll share a piece of Lakeside area's past that I bought off e-bay. 
The newsletter will be wrapped up in the next few days and out to the subscribers and then to the distribution sites by the end of the month.  Can you believe May is already have over?  I put together a Dulcimer festival the 1st Saturday in May.  It's a whirl of activity bringing 4 out of town musicians to town to come teach the twenty classes.  I was happy again to have participants come who want to learn more about taking part in making music and to hear wonderful concerts.  I love folk music and a mix of folk instruments.  Mountain and hammered dulcimers have been special to me for decades.  This was the 13th year for the festival.
Now I'm more free to work on other things like the newsletter and perhaps a documentary on Park Point.  I'd like to start interviewing people in June relating to Park Point's early days. 
As a reminder you can watch these two neighborhood video's I made:
Early Days of Lakeside
Early Days of the West End (Duluth)
Over 2500 people have watched them through vimeo and I've done showings through Duluth community ed.

Enjoy wearing shorts again and short sleeves.  My sandals are ready and waiting.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A little bit of grass

It's nearly the end of March and there's still feet of snow around with another 3-5 inches to come according to the forecast.  The April/May issue is now ready and distributed in the Lakeside area.  I did notice a small patch of grass in the yard right next to the street where the sun shines the most.  It's a good sign to see some grass as many of us are ready for daytime temperatures to go up past the freezing mark.  Actually, it's not bad for walking in the more clear parts of the neighborhood.

Here's a sampling of where the newsletter can be picked up to read:
        SuperOne Lakeside, Sammy's Pizza Lakeside, New London Cafe, Essentia Health, Portman Rec Center, Mt Royal Fine Foods, Lakeside Bakery, and over a dozen other locations.  Subscribers receive it in the mail or delivered. 

Every issue has a mix of community announcements, news, and some articles.  If you have a news items or would like to submit a photo or short article, check with me.  The June/July issue deadline is May 15.

Spring will come. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A message in February

I hope you have read the Feb/March issue and tried the local history date quiz.  The answers can be found on the website.  Take a look at the calendar and attend a local event or two.   My husband and I walked over to the Beargrease start in late January since it's back in our neighborhood.  The dogs were eager to run and the snow conditions worked well for the race.  Crossing from Duluth East over to Northland Country Club had the teams on their way to their journey up north.

For the next Look at Lakeside issue which will come out in April I am looking for photos of things made by Lakeside women.  It doesn't have to be items for sale.  In fact, I'm mostly looking for items that someone made perhaps as a gift or simply for the sake of creating - a decorate cake, a quilt, and sweater.   Send a photo and I'll put it in the newsletter.  Creating is a good way to pass through the chilly winter nights and days.  We've had a few of those this year!

I'm also looking for information on the history of the Lester Park Fish Hatchery and any boating or dock activity along the Lester River.  The next deadline is March 15.  Early is better for submitting news topics and photos.

I've done some editing on the look of the front page of the website.  At some point at photo gallery or links to Lakeside videos will be added.  I do what I can to fit things in.

Happy Valentines Day! 

I love Lakeside.


Monday, January 20, 2014

First Post

This blog will coincide with the Look at Lakeside newsletter that comes out very two months.  The newsletter began in Aug 2012.  It's been going for a year and a half now publishing news, photos, history, and short articles on the neighborhood of Lakeside.  It's fun to ask questions, pull together information, and weave connections of the past and present.  I like to share what's going on and for people to share what they do and love in Lakeside.

This blog will be a way to send out quicker announcements than the newsletter.  The newsletter is online at 

The newsletter is one more project that I do in the Duluth area.  I combine ways of connecting people to local history, events, local art, and each other.   Through local neighborhood video productions, to over 35 local art & gift fairs, to a fair highlighting dulcimers, to community ed classes to writings in publications such as The Woman Today and the Transistor.   Just a few ways to be part of the community.  We love the nature of the area and I enjoy digging for information although it often takes longer than I anticipated.  I continue to plug away at what I can.  Thanks to my husband, Terry Brown, for doing web and computer tasks to help me.   Thanks Elmo (our cat) for not stomping on the computer this time as I write. 

Editor, Look at Lakeside