The Oct/Nov issue is out. Did you know there is a Sami Cultural Center in Lakeside? Do you want to get involved with the Citizen Patrol? Do you want to eat at a local restaurant run by students? By reading the Look At Lakeside newsletter you'll learn more about Lakeside.
I'd love to have local history articles submitted. I hope to do some library digging this month. It's fun to find what you're looking for and find many more things you didn't know about.
I do want to point out the Look at Lakeside readers service opportunity with the Second Harvest Food Bank coming up Wed., Oct 15 from 5:30PM-7PM. If you are planning on coming please email me at The location is 4503 Airpark Boulevard. We will be packing commodity food for seniors.
Have you been up the new and improved Seven Bridges Road?
Do you see the beautiful fall color procession along Hawk Ridge?
Are you missing the summertime crowds at Brighton Beach or big events passing through on London Road?
Through our window tonight we see the giant full moon. We had a small campfire in our fire pit in our backyard in the chilly night air. It feels later than it is with the sun setting earlier. Our cat is asleep on my desk twitching a bit as he is dreaming.
If you have written a book and live in Lakeside let me know. I'd like to include a local authors in Lakeside short article in an upcoming issue.