Besides publishing this newsletter (which includes everything about putting it together: writing, contacting, layout, ad sales, invoice, distribution) I also work for the City of Superior at the wastewater treatment plant, teach a weekly biology class, organize local art & gift fairs and May 2 is the big Dulcimer Day folk music fest with 4 great musician instructors coming from multiple states. I'm busy. I also do things in the community. With any bit of free time I like to go for walks in Lakeside. The Lakewalk is great and the weather is getting better all the time. Soon it will be bike riding time. Maybe come this summer I'll be able to actually be in Lakeside a bit more than dashing off 6 or so mornings a week and having long days at work or on other projects. I'd like to learn more about what's going on in Lakeside. Some people return my calls when I call to inquire about something - most don't. Some I call and email again but sometimes I just go on to a different topic. It's interesting to me how the newsletter writing process is to have 8 blank pages- hope for some ads to really come through - and then find what to include in the rest of the open space on pages. Before I know it the issue is filled and I have plenty more ideas for future issues.
I think the newsletter works well as a community connector and share Lakeside news. One more issue done.
Thanks to George Lewis for writing another short article and for the City of Duluth for submitting an article when I asked for more information.