The evening temps are dipping lower and the morning air is refreshing. A hummingbird - rather chubby - is still visiting flowers in the yard. This summer included several picnics out at Brighton Beach. One picnic event was an oven pancake themed one. We'll still do some outdoor eating when we can. My husband and I also bought a croquet set and have been playing at assorted park squares in Lakeside. He's been the winner every time so far. We'll likely have a few more games this month and maybe I won't be in last place at one of the games.
Over the next week I hope a couple more ads will come in (Deadline is Sept 15) and I have several sets of notes to write up for articles. I'll see if I turn some things I've learned about Lakeside into a quiz or just go for the Did You Know style. If you have Lakeside/Lester Park news, calendar items, or ideas send over an email.