Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Happy Holidays and Winter

Snow has come.  The Dec/Jan issue is out with topics ranging from a Q&A on Meals on Wheels at Ecumen Lakeshore, Dance lessons in Lakeside, after school activities, lit church windows, interview with the head of the Swedish choir and more.  It's pasty season, goodies time of year, and purdy window decorations.

In the next issue there will be a memorial for the Great Catsby who was hit by a car a short time ago. He will be sadly missed.

You'll also meet an Great Lakes Aquarium educator and learn more about HAM radio.

If you would like to submit local history bits, news items, or Lakeside photos - please send them before the Jan 14 deadline.

Thank you to new and returning advertisers and subscribers for supporting this publication.

Thank you to the postal workers who get an extra workout in the cold and high mail volume time of year.

Here's a glimpse from the past couple months - the pumpkin train stops on the pumpkin patch in Lakeside.   Pasties at Lakeside Presbyterian Church.  They are one of several churches that make thousands of them.  Freshly made, then freeze for a handy, hot meal.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Announce your business - place an Ad

The Look at Lakeside is a great place to place an ad to announce your business.  Whether your business is right along Superior Street or in your home - or even just a website - this newsletter can help you reach more people.
Your ads help support this publication that is very local and helping people learn more about Lakeside - its past and present.
Assorted ad sizes are available and a discount is available for running an ad four times and pre-paying.  Give me a call, send an email, go to the Look at Lakeside Facebook page and message me if you have any questions.  The next deadline is coming up soon.  The newsletter comes out every two months so deadlines are 2 months apart.  If you need a business card scanned or an ad created let me know.  Web ads are also an option for this site.
Thanks for your support.
Ad rates are easy to find on the website.


Monday, October 3, 2016

Hustle of the fall

The summer days are over as the school year begins.  The weekends are even more treasured to go outdoors.  Lakeside's main upcoming changes are the houses being built/put in at Dodge and 40th Ave. E.  Nine houses will go in.  The Oct/Nov issue gives information on the houses.  I also came across an interesting article on Robert Sweeny who was the head of the fish hatchery at its beginning days. You'll meet the nice couple - Bill and Janalee Reinke Lyth - who live in our neighborhood.  Check both the back calendar, ads, and the community calendar for upcoming activities.  Learn what you can learn about DNA from your dog, learn about a few businesses in Lakeside in the 1930s and about Duluth being Dementia-friendly.

If you have a topic you would like to share in the Look at Lakeside newsletter let me know.  I'd love to learn more about the history of houses and buildings and past people who lived here and to learn more about you - the people of today.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Thank goodness the power is back!

What a storm and recovery from the storm.  Trees are still down and not all fallen branches have been removed.  Yards that once had grand trees in them are wide often.  A car parked on the street was smashed. Power lines dangled.  It's over and we move on.

In this current Look at Lakeside issue you can see some photos from the aftermath of the storm, learn about a bioblitz at Hawk Ridge, learn about the Wurlitzer theater organ at Lester Park United Methodist, and more.

Also, note the Love the Lester image contest.  Submit a photo, painting or sketch of the Lester River or an activity with the river by mid-September.  You could win a prize.

Have you marked your calendar for some upcoming area events like the Lester River Rendezvous?

Soon enough school will be back in session.  These precious summer days are numbered but thank goodness the super hot days will pass.  Take time for another swim in Lake Superior, catch some views of lightening lighting up the sky or maybe a meteor shower at night.  Hawk migration is beginning soon.  Even dragonflies will glide through as will the inline marathoners.

The interviewed person this issue was Sharon Dawson who does adaptive therapeutic yoga.

I have another bus trip tomorrow.  I'm excited to offer Up North Excursion day trips.  Check out the schedule through the website.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Organ Pipes, Picnics, and Big Tent - Bridge Photo contest

This month I was able to venture into the 2 pipe rooms that are part of the Wurlitzer organ at Lester Park United Methodist Church.  Wow!  That was incredible to see the many tubes and all the sizes.  Tubes are the passageways for the sound.  Maybe we need to have a special concert there?

I was driving up on Woodland Ave. today and saw a church announcement for having a church picnic in Lester Park.  Lester Park is a beautiful place for people to gather to enjoy an afternoon outdoors together.  Have you been to the park lately?  Or do you go to Brighton Beach more often?  A neighbor I interviewed for the Aug/Sept issue, Sharon Dawson, says Brighton Beach is her favorite place.  I hope to have at least 3 meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner - out at Brighton this summer.  Maybe a loon will swim by.   The parks are also places for festivals - the Lester River Rendezvous in late September at Lester Park and an art festival at Brighton Beach in mid-August.

The Big Tent topic is partly that Terry and I bought a camping tent where you can stand up inside.  We've done quite a few nights of camping bent over crawling in the tent.  This deluxe cabin tent is taller and even has a front screen room.  We practiced setting it up in our front lawn and slept outside last week.  This weekend we may give it a try at Pattison Park or Jay Cooke and do some hiking time.  The Big Tent is also for the fun Big Top Chautauqua in Bayfield, WI.  I had my first day trip in my new business - Up North Excursions- yesterday.  One of the 3 stops was to attend the Keeper of the Light show at the Big Top.  Their performance had touching stories, fun ghosts singing, historical slides showing of the days gone by where there were lighthouse keepers on the Apostle Islands doing important and remote work.  Now the lighthouses are automated and the gardens, greetings, and stories aren't being made like they used to.  The program was great and the setting is a part of the fun - being under a giant tent.  Most of the attendees on the first trip (all but one, actually) were from Lakeside.  We like to explore the Northland.  More trips are scheduled through October. Go to

I'll be finalizing the next Look at Lakeside issue over the next week.  Stories, history, photos, celebration announcements are welcome.  I will also be offering a Bridge photo contest.  See the issue for more information. It will be at

Good day all!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Rain & Sun & Bus Trips

We've had our share of rain.  It's good for the plants and gardens.  Now the sun is shining and these long days are splendid.  It's great for having cookouts in the backyard, playing lawn games, hiking, biking, and assorted summer specialty activities like outdoor music concerts at Chester Bowl or the library.   We've added a couple more little bought sculptures in our yard and a new bench.  I pulled and cut a bunch of buckthorn and it's time to harvest the Rhubarb.  I planted cosmos and zinnias and don't know of the rain washed them away but I'll keep an eye out to see what grows.

If you didn't see the ad in the current Look at Lakeside newsletter, I'm now offering bus excursions from Duluth.  Nine trips are lined up and each trip has an art, music, nature, or history connection.  The first trips are in July.  July 14 will be a trip to beautiful Bayfield.  We'll stop at the White Winter Winery on the way out and have time to walk about Bayfield and the south shore.  We'll go to the Big Top Chautauqua for the Keeper of the Light musical on the history of light house keeping in the area.  The Up North Excursion includes your entrance to the show.  Meals are not included.  The trip is $79.  Sign up today!
The other 8 trips are at   Let's Go Explore the Northland together.
Have a fun and safe summer.  Be kind to the bees.  Why not convert some of your lawn to bee-friendly plants?  

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Early Summer - Lakeside

The June/July issue of the Look at Lakeside newsletter is ready.  Pick one up or read it online.  You'll see some old ads and photos of lodging places in Lakeside.  Have you heard of Riordan's?   Meet Brian Klawiter who will be teaching geology classes with field trips this summer through Duluth Community Education.  Faith Lutheran Church closes this month although Gloria Dei congregants will continue to meet there.   Come to a House Concert (reservations requested) on the solstice with accordion player Arna Rennan.  She will sing and play Nordic music on the langelek as well.   You'll find more dates of outdoor music and events in the area during our short summer.
Thanks to those who came to the showing of the Snively's Road documentary on Skyline Parkway.  The director, Mark Ryan, also came on up to share how he filmed some footage while on rollerblades.

Enjoy the summer!  Grandma's Marathon runners and fans will be lining London Road in just a few weeks.  Brighton Beach might be just the place to catch a cooler breeze when (if) warm weather comes.  I'll be out in the front and back yard gardening and we'll have an occasional camp fire in the backyard.  The birds are calling starting early in the morning and the long day length days are welcomed.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Snively's Road - video showing April 28 at 6:30 p.m.

Head over to the Lakeside Lester Park Community on April 28 for a showing of the film Snively's Road.  Mark Ryan is the producer.  The film is a great way to learn more about one of Duluth's favorite mayors and the building of Skyline Parkway, especially Seven Bridges Road.  A $2 donation is suggested.
The LLPCC is at  54th Ave. E and Tioga St. in the former Lester Park branch library.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring issue is ready

Spring is in the air - some of the time.  Green shoots are starting to appear and buds forming on the trees.  Snow patches are dwindling and the days are definitely longer.
I hope you'll enjoy reading the April/May issue of the Look at Lakeside newsletter.
This issue has a good number of dates of events that you can attend in Lakeside - from a spring carnival for youth, to a gathering of seniors and a local history film on Seven Bridges Road.  You'll also get to read about efforts to grow more milkweed for Monarch butterflies, view a list of eating establishments, and be introduced to a couple new massage places in the neighborhood.

I'm doing a call out for information on church organs or church bells in the local churches.
With reading this issue you'll also meet the current president of the Lakeside Lester Park Community Club and learn about an interesting past history bit to raise money for orphans in Belgium by Lakeside folk.

Thanks for being a reader.  Feel free to share a photo, celebration announcements, or even wildlife photo - or even your thoughts on what you'd like to see in Lakeside.  The next deadline is May 14.

I appreciate the renewing and new subscribers.  Please support and thank the advertisers in this publication.


Friday, March 4, 2016

Spring melt / snow storm / games inside

Snow is turning to water and rushing down the storm drains.  The leftover sand sits along the road side.  There's less ice now and the snowmen are down to little bumps.  Will we have more snow?  Sure.  March is a fair game time for more.   A few more times of skiing will be out there.

One thing we can do come winter, spring, or summer is gather indoors, is play games.

Come support Circle of Hope, a local breast cancer financial support group, for a fun game on Sunday, March 13 at the Lakeside Lester Park Community Club.  I'll go over the simple playing rules for this old-time dice game and we'll have a fun afternoon playing.  There will be prizes, too.
Suggested donation is $10.  Please RSVP to  Age 7 and older welcome.  It's a fun community game.  Game time is 3 p.m. on March 13.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What does Lakeside need? What do you think?

The February/March issue is coming out by the end of the month.

In the issue, I'm asking What does Lakeside need more of?   I'd love to hear your responses.

Also, I've added another live music concert.  It will be Jim Hall singing and playing his guitar - and probably harmonica too - on February 9 at the Lakeside Lester Park Community Club.  Please come and listen to his great music!

I'm always interested in listing good deeds.  Share something your club, church, or youth group is doing in the neighborhood.

Thanks again to new subscribers and people renewing their subscription.
Read about the local firemen in this issue - thanks to them for people on hand to handle protecting people and our area.
