The June/July issue of the Look at Lakeside newsletter is ready. Pick one up or read it online. You'll see some old ads and photos of lodging places in Lakeside. Have you heard of Riordan's? Meet Brian Klawiter who will be teaching geology classes with field trips this summer through Duluth Community Education. Faith Lutheran Church closes this month although Gloria Dei congregants will continue to meet there. Come to a House Concert (reservations requested) on the solstice with accordion player Arna Rennan. She will sing and play Nordic music on the langelek as well. You'll find more dates of outdoor music and events in the area during our short summer.
Thanks to those who came to the showing of the Snively's Road documentary on Skyline Parkway. The director, Mark Ryan, also came on up to share how he filmed some footage while on rollerblades.
Enjoy the summer! Grandma's Marathon runners and fans will be lining London Road in just a few weeks. Brighton Beach might be just the place to catch a cooler breeze when (if) warm weather comes. I'll be out in the front and back yard gardening and we'll have an occasional camp fire in the backyard. The birds are calling starting early in the morning and the long day length days are welcomed.