Friday, July 15, 2016

Organ Pipes, Picnics, and Big Tent - Bridge Photo contest

This month I was able to venture into the 2 pipe rooms that are part of the Wurlitzer organ at Lester Park United Methodist Church.  Wow!  That was incredible to see the many tubes and all the sizes.  Tubes are the passageways for the sound.  Maybe we need to have a special concert there?

I was driving up on Woodland Ave. today and saw a church announcement for having a church picnic in Lester Park.  Lester Park is a beautiful place for people to gather to enjoy an afternoon outdoors together.  Have you been to the park lately?  Or do you go to Brighton Beach more often?  A neighbor I interviewed for the Aug/Sept issue, Sharon Dawson, says Brighton Beach is her favorite place.  I hope to have at least 3 meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner - out at Brighton this summer.  Maybe a loon will swim by.   The parks are also places for festivals - the Lester River Rendezvous in late September at Lester Park and an art festival at Brighton Beach in mid-August.

The Big Tent topic is partly that Terry and I bought a camping tent where you can stand up inside.  We've done quite a few nights of camping bent over crawling in the tent.  This deluxe cabin tent is taller and even has a front screen room.  We practiced setting it up in our front lawn and slept outside last week.  This weekend we may give it a try at Pattison Park or Jay Cooke and do some hiking time.  The Big Tent is also for the fun Big Top Chautauqua in Bayfield, WI.  I had my first day trip in my new business - Up North Excursions- yesterday.  One of the 3 stops was to attend the Keeper of the Light show at the Big Top.  Their performance had touching stories, fun ghosts singing, historical slides showing of the days gone by where there were lighthouse keepers on the Apostle Islands doing important and remote work.  Now the lighthouses are automated and the gardens, greetings, and stories aren't being made like they used to.  The program was great and the setting is a part of the fun - being under a giant tent.  Most of the attendees on the first trip (all but one, actually) were from Lakeside.  We like to explore the Northland.  More trips are scheduled through October. Go to

I'll be finalizing the next Look at Lakeside issue over the next week.  Stories, history, photos, celebration announcements are welcome.  I will also be offering a Bridge photo contest.  See the issue for more information. It will be at

Good day all!